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CC#00BNS: Basic Layout ++

CC#00BNS: Basic Layout ++

Notes: I didn't actually design this one. This used to be the default layout for everyone on RPC. The coding tag is merely to share other work. Main image information: Size dictated by height (300px), for best results use anything.

CC#04MNS: Flame +

CC#04MNS: Flame +

Main image information: Size dictated by height, for best results use images with a height greater than its width. For second best results use a relatively square image.

CC#09MTC: Ice Kitten ++

CC#09MTC: Ice Kitten ++

Notes: A layout I designed for my own alt, but I’ve decided to share. Comes with the song 'Chasing Dreams' ft. Gumi Megpoid by GHPZ. Main Image Information: Size dictated by height, for best results use relatively square images. For second best results use images with a height greater than its width.

CC#16ETC: Winged

CC#16ETC: Winged

Main image information: Size dictated by height, for best results any dimensions should work.

CC#19BNS: Written in Blood

CC#19BNS: Written in Blood

Notes: Comes with song ‘The Divine Suicide of K’ by Protest the Hero. Main image information: Size dictated by height, for best results use an image with a height greater than its width. DO NOT go super wide with this code.

CC#23HNC: Sakura Blossom +

CC#23HNC: Sakura Blossom +

Main image information: Size dictated by width, for best results any dimensions SHOULD work. An image with height greater than its width recommended.

CC#26MNC: Demonic

CC#26MNC: Demonic

Notes: Partial two taken from GS#06 Dante. Main Image Information: Size dictated by height, for best results use images with a height greater than its width. Connections image sizes dictated by width, for best results any dimensions should work.

RC#04MTC: Mystic

RC#04MTC: Mystic

Note: Hover me, baby. Main Image Information: Main image is a background image, size dictated by height, for best results any dimensions SHOULD work.

RC#08MTC: Chrysamere

RC#08MTC: Chrysamere

Main Image Information: Size dictated by width. For first image use a relatively square image. For the second use one with a width greater than its height. Lastly, an image with a height greater than its width.

RC#10MTS: Knight ++

RC#10MTS: Knight ++

Note: Hover me, baby. Main Image Information: Main image is a background image. Size dictated by height, for best results any dimensions SHOULD work.

VS#08MTC: Akatsuki Arrival

VS#08MTC: Akatsuki Arrival

Featured Song: Akatsuki Arrival Vocaloid: Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka Music and Lyrics by: Last Note Main Image Information: Size dictated by height, for best results use images with a height greater than its width. For second best results use relatively square images.

GS#09ATC: Okami - Start Menu

GS#09ATC: Okami - Start Menu

Featured Game: Okami Note: Contains transition effects. Minor cosmetic issues on Internet Explorer. Main Image Information: Size dictated by height, for best results use images with heights greater than their widths and on backgrounds use images with widths greater than their heights. For second best results any dimensions should work.

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